The Importance Of Planning For Your Future
Your lifelong friends and close relatives provide you with a sense of community and safety. Their loyalty to you over time may have solidified a place in your life. These are the types of people you want to evaluate when you are deciding on your health care power of attorney and power of attorney. When you are unable to make critical decisions for yourself, you want to be sure that your wishes are recorded and specified.
Attorney Richard Wingerden understands how to guide you in drafting estate planning documents that plan for after your death as well as plans that prepare for your future. At The Law Offices Of Richard Wingerden, you will consult with him one-on-one for a thorough review of the details of your life that pertain to deciding who will make decisions on your behalf and what your wishes may be.
A Will Is Not Always Enough
You may have created a will for your estate plan but that does not satisfy the decisions that need to be made as a result of your incapacity, illness or severe injury. You may wish to also consider creating an advanced health care directive, or a living will, that identifies who will make your health care decisions.
An advanced health care directive is a document that outlines who will make the decisions for your health care and carry out your wishes outlined in your health care directive. Your health care directive will also outline how to care for you when you are unable to speak for yourself.
Who Do You Trust To Make Your Financial Decisions?
You will also need to delegate power of attorney to a specific person. Your advanced health-care directive delegate is not responsible for your financial decisions unless you delegate them power of attorney of your finances as well. These financial decisions can include paying bills, managing your assets, paying taxes, paying medical or health care expenses and more.
Discuss Your Needs With An Attorney
Learn how Mr. Wingerden can assist you in drafting or revising your estate plan. Schedule a free consultation at the San Jose office of The Law Offices Of Richard Wingerden. You can call the firm at 408-273-8239 or you can contact Mr. Wingerden by filling out this online contact form.